Monday 17 June 2013

Blue Bell Gardens ground breaking event

The ground breaking event took place on 9th May 2013 and was  was officiated by Safaricom Ltd CEO Mr. Bob Collymore. Blue Bells Garden is Safaricom’s first housing project and the only one of its kind in Mlolongo. 
Sitting on 5 acres next to Great Wall Apartments, Blue Bells Gardens is a high end market residential facility nestled around busy Nairobi-Mombasa Road Highway and within close proximity to Konza’s ICT hub.

The compelling beauty of the proposed new estate is made accessible by the Greater Eastern bypass, 12km from Mombasa Road with easy connection through to Thika Road. This is a project that has been done with the family in mind.

The units are currently selling at 6.2 million for 2 bedrooms and 6.6 million for 3 bedrooms. To book, a buyer is required to pay a deposit of 20% to sign the contract.

Photos of the event

S.I.C Chairperson welcoming government officials to the event
Safaricom Ltd. CEO being dressed in safety gear at the construction site

Safaricom Ltd. CEO all dressed up

Helmets a must at the construction site

The Blue Bells chief engineer  taking guests through the site plan

The Blue Bells chief engineer  taking guests through the site plan

S.I.C Board members with the chief guest

Speech time

Speech time

And the seat was taken...

This I have never done before...

Drums rolling...

And the ground was broken

Laying of the foundation stone

Laying of the foundation stone

And the stone was laid...

More cement was added...

Unveiling of the plaque

And it was official!!

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